Women’s Running USA – September 2019

(ff) #1


  1. Plank Row
    “When you’re on uneven terrain,
    your core needs both qualities—
    stabilization and strength—to
    protect your joints from damage
    and to help you maintain balance
    and run your best,” says Simone.

DO IT: Start in a push-up posi-
tion with feet out wide and with
a dumbbell in each hand. Row
your left arm up to your side
while bracing all the muscles
of your core, trying to keep your
body centered. Return the weight
to the ground and immediately
repeat on the other side. That’s
one rep.
Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.

  1. Single-leg
    Lateral Hop
    When running on uneven surfaces
    you don’t know what you’re going to
    step on, over, or in. “This type of hop
    preps you to be nimble and stabiliz-
    es your knees, while working your
    proprioception and balance,” says

DO IT: Start balancing on your left
foot with a slight bend at the knee
and bring your right foot slightly
elevated behind your body. Using
your arms for momentum and
balance, jump from the left foot to
the right, immediately bringing the
left foot up and behind you. That’s
one rep. Continue, alternating sides
for 6 to 8 reps.
Do 3 sets.
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