Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

integrity issue. Procurement has a
central role in harmonizing the process
and making sure the purchasing data
stays consistent.”
The pathway to the successful
integration of new brands into Dentsu
Aegis’ processes is aided by a
governance structure. “Steering
committees are at the heart of this,”
says Traskos. “We have representa-
tives from each of the business units
and we meet regularly to discuss
procurement projects, potential
savings and to analyze any disruptive
technologies.” She believes it’s vital
to build a community approach to

change while providing the opportunity
to learn from your peers.
To support positive disruption, what
innovations is Dentsu Aegis embracing
on its procurement transformation
quest? Traskos is excited about the
advent of Source-to-Pay across
Dentsu Aegis Network. “Previously,
it’s been a bit of a journey just to get
aggregated spend or figure out how
much we spend in a particular category
or with different suppliers. Source-to-
Pay’s spend analytics is going to help
the team leapfrog to another level
where we can provide our internal
clients with recommendations and


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