Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
opportunities to save, build partner-
ships where appropriate, and really
improve overall vendor management
and relationships.” She believes
building an ecosystem will improve
user experience and bring through
more initiatives to enhance efficiencies
and savings.
Currently, Dentsu Aegis is keenly
focused on the benefits of automation.
Dentsu’s Automation Team works with
Catalytic and UI Path on robotics and
RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to
aid the transition from paper to digital.
“We’ve been able to achieve some
significant savings in terms of reducing
the amount of time staff spend on basic
tasks,” says Traskos. “This enables us
to shift our employees’ time to work on
more strategic functions and that
benefits our clients. The success of the
efforts to date allow us to roll out more
automation of other processes.”
As Dentsu has grown through
acquisition, its real estate portfolio has
grown as well. Now, the company
seeks to work on real estate consolida-
tion in order to reduce the overall costs
of running so many offices. For Traskos
alongside Chris Bendowski, VP of Real
Estate and Facilities, to achieve this



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