Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

a cryptocurrency and gives power to
the fan communities that will elect the
young athletes of tomorrow. It’s not a
pipe dream. Social networks could take
on their full meaning and we can move
from a narcissistic vision to a holistic
approach, taking on the role of
revealing talent and creating a meritoc-
racy. The world of sport is truly at the
crossroads of funding innovations
and the emergence of new media to
reinvent the entertainment of tomorrow.
At the moment, too much talent is
never seen, never makes it out of the
park game and into the arena, because

the players never get scouted. We’re
inventing a decentralised global talent
detection platform, within the reach of
sports professionals, which will promote
champions from multiple horizons. 
What if new technology and business
nous could find, support and sponsor
the next Usain Bolt or the future Kylian
Mbappé? That’s the plan at WeSportUs.

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