Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1

60 Airfi x Model World


nspiration for our builds
comes in so many forms and
I wonder just how often a
simple photograph forms the
kernel of a future project?
When this kit arrived, it came
with editorial guidance to build
either Mitchell Mk.II, FL-176
Grumpy, or another 98 Squadron
machine, but with D-Day stripes.
Google image searching ensued
and I happened across a fantastic
colour photo of a modern-day

warbird wearing the colours of
Grumpy. Unlike most warbirds,
though, this aircraft sported the
most wonderful used patina.
The upper surface Olive Drab
paint was faded, with extensive
oil stains from those big radial
engines. This was coupled with
fresh D-Day stripes and a glossy
under surface – I knew I just had
to have a go at it.
The aircraft in question is B-25D,
serial number 43-3318, which was
built in 1943 and delivered to the
US military in October of that year.
In 1945, it was overhauled and
transferred to the Royal Canadian
Air Force, where it was employed
as a training aircraft for the next
17 years. After sale to a private
owner in Canada, it was assigned
the current registration of
N88972 and at one stage
was converted to a
fire bomber.
later, the aircraft

The upper surface Olive Drab
paint was faded, with extensive
oil stains from those big radial
engines. This was coupled with
fresh D-Day stripes and a glossy
under surface – I knew I just had
to have a go at it.
The aircraft in question is B-25D,
serial number 43-3318, which was
built in 1943 and delivered to the
US military in October of that year.
In 1945, it was overhauled and
transferred to the Royal Canadian
Air Force, where it was employed
as a training aircraft for the next
17 years. After sale to a private
owner in Canada, it was assigned
the current registration of
N88972 and at one stage
was converted to a
fire bomber.


later, the aircraft

Jen Wright recreates a warbird

using Airfix’s recently re-tooled

1/72 B-25C/D Mitchell



nspiration for our builds
comes in so many forms and


comes in so many forms and


I wonder just how often a

I wonder just how often a
IIIsimple photograph forms the simple photograph forms the
kernel of a future project?

warbird wearing the colours of
Grumpy. Unlike most warbirds,
though, this aircraft sported the
most wonderful used patina.
The upper surface Olive Drab

warbird wearing the colours of

. Unlike most warbirds,
though, this aircraft sported the
most wonderful used patina.
The upper surface Olive Drab

Jen Wright recreates a warbird

using Airfix’s recently re-tooled

1/72 B-25C/D Mitchell


Jen Wright


Jen Wright


North American B-25C/D
By: Airfix
Stock Code: A06015
Scale: 1/72
Price: £24.99
Available from:

 Bare-Metal foil was utilised to mask the inside of the fuselage windows, as the reflective
nature of the product made it much easier to see where to cut than masking tape.

 Since the fuselage cut-out was slightly deeper than the insert, Blu Tack was used to hold
the transparency flush with the exterior, while Tamiya cement was applied to the join.

Free download pdf