Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1
Second time’s a charm
For its Mitchell Mk.II release (A01018), Airfix supplied decals for a pair of RAF
airframes in standard Olive Drab/Neutral Gray camouflage:

  • FL212/EV/W NulliSecundus, 180 Squadron, RAF Dunsfold, 1943

  • FV923/SM/E, 305 (Polish) Squadron, RAF Lasham, Sep-Oct 1943

wound up as part of The
Fighter Collection at Duxford in
Cambridgeshire in 1987, before
heading back to the USA after
purchase by the Historic Flight
Foundation in 2008. Now based
in Washington State,
Grumpy is still flying
and is the oldest
airworthy B-25D in
the world.

Early Mitchells
With the introduction to
the aircraft out of the
way, let’s look at the kit.
Airfix’s 1/72 B-25 was first
released as a newly tooled
item in early 2018 and featured
in January’s issue of AMW that
year. The kit has since been issued

with RAF decals (see panel) and is
due shortly to be re-released with
parts for an early B-25B of the
famous Doolittle raid. This was an
air attack on the Japanese capital
city Tokyo in early 1942, as a direct
retaliation for the Japanese strike
on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.
To achieve this, 16 B-25 bombers
took off from the aircraft carrier
USS Hornet and flew to bomb
targets in Japan. Knowing they
could not land back on the carrier,
the bombers continued on to
crash-land in China, although one
made it all the way to Vladivostok
in Russia. The version of the kit
used here was the original issue,
with a generous smattering of
resin and photo-etched (PE) metal
additions to spice up the detail

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Second time’s a charm
For its Mitchell Mk.II release (A01018), Airfix supplied decals for a pair of RAF
airframes in standard Olive Drab/Neutral Gray camouflage:

  • FL212/EV/W NulliSecundus

  • FV923/SM/E, 305 (Polish) Squadron, RAF Lasham, Sep-Oct 1943

purchase by the Historic Flight
Foundation in 2008. Now based
in Washington State,
and is the oldest
airworthy B-25D in
the world.

Early Mitchells
With the introduction to
the aircraft out of the
way, let’s look at the kit.
Airfix’s 1/72 B-25 was first
released as a newly tooled
item in early 2018 and featured
in January’s issue of
year. The kit has since been issued

A dry assembly of the interior
showed how well appointed
the kit was to begin with. Note
the inclusion of the metal
replacement parts to aid nose-
weighting. These parts alone
were not heavy enough, though.

 Eduard’s PE interior set included a plethora of tiny folded boxes to replace the integrally
moulded detail. These were placed on tape for storage, as they were too small to label.

 Further PE work involved both pilot seats; while fiddly in 1/72 scale, the results spoke for
themselves; here the throttle quadrant and control column has been prepped for further detail.
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