Home New Zealand – August 01, 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1
includes a fully tiled bathroom and a
kitchen with Bosch dishwasher and fridge.
We also include an efficient heat recovery
and ventilation system, high-quality floor
coverings, power-saving LED lighting,
triple-glazed windows, fully insulated
walls, floor and ceiling. Customers can
make changes at design layout stage to
include things such as built-in wardrobes
and wall finishings.

What do they cost? Each 63sqm house
starts at just over $300,000, which
includes GST and excludes shipping and
insurance of $40,000.

FlyingSpaces is offering the first 25
customers in 2019 a return trip for two
to Germany to visit the showroom, to
those customers who have achieved
the required payment terms.


What’s the problem you’re trying
to solve? Dean Dalton, FlyingSpaces—
To create a healthier living environment
for New Zealanders; ease the housing
shortage; assist the Government in
making better use of available energy;
reduce power consumption; and build
with environmentally friendly timber
from a sustainable forest.

Where are they made and how do they
get here? All FlyingSpaces passive houses
are made in a purpose-built factory in
Germany, close to Stuttgart, and near to
the company’s own sustainable forest.
Each FlyingSpaces house leaves Germany
fully completed and is shipped to New
Zealand ready to be transported and
installed on site, on the same day.

How flexible are they? With a truck
and crane, each 63-square-metre house
can be placed onto any site that has
completed suitable ground works.
All reticulation including power, water
in, water out, and communication lines
are located in an isolated box at one end
of the house, making it easy to connect
the same day.

Are the homes customise-able?
Customisation includes different types
of exterior cladding, rendering, timber
or a combination of both. FlyingSpaces
has a designer in New Zealand to assist
homeowners to create their preferred
interior layout and choose from fixtures
and fittings from the FlyingSpaces
showroom in Germany. Each house



A German prefabricated housing system
built to passive-house standards touches
down in New Zealand.

1 — Layouts are flexible and
services are ready to connect the
day the homes are delivered to
site. 2 — The FlyingSpaces passive
house design system has a range of
cladding options.


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