Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

No matter what, the fruit contains
fibre and a generous amount of sorb-
itol, a sugar alcohol that helps keep the
bowel moving. Although being tradi-
tionally used to treat an unglamorous
health condition may have saddled
prunes with a negative image, that
doesn’t stop the French from consid-
ering them a delicacy.

Given that using sleeping pills over the
long term can bring major drawbacks,
such as dependence or memory prob-
lems, a lot of people are interested in
alternative aides.
A handful of small randomized-
controlled trials suggests that the scent
of lavender oil might help you nod off
more quickly or even get better sleep.
Dr. Angie Lillehei, who led a study of a
species called Lavandula angustifolia
at the University of Minnesota, believes
it’s made up of “chemical constituents
that promote calm and sleep.”
Inhaling the scent allows these con-
stituents “to go through your smell

receptors and into your brain, activat-
ing the neurochemical pathways,” she
says. If you decide to give it a go, it’s best
to use it as a supplement, rather than
a substitute, for proper sleep hygiene
(such as maintaining a regular sleep
schedule, taking some time to relax
before bed and making sure your room
is dark and quiet).

First, run your burn under cool (not
cold) water. Then, if it’s a serious
one—for instance, if it’s deep, larger
than your hand, charred or white—get
to an emergency room. Otherwise you
can proceed to apply aloe vera gel on
minor burns for a soothing sensation.
Although the evidence isn’t conclusive,
the benefit might go beyond moistur-
ization and pain relief to actually help-
ing with the healing process. The gel is
available at pharmacies, or you can
extract it from an aloe vera plant your-
self by cutting open a leaf. When not in
use as an ointment, this succulent is a
lovely decoration.

Up in the Air
Taking off now. If my plane crashes please know that my final
words were: “Oh, great. This is the LAST thing I needed.”

Good thing planes have TVs. Nothing’s worse than having to look out the
window at earth’s sacred majesty from the point of view of angels.
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