(Joyce) #1

PADAHASTA ASANATo p, `3,500, Abraham & Thakore.Skirt, `19,900, Jayanti Reddy.1. PRANAMASANAMantra: Om Mitraya Namaha—salutations to the friend of all.Chakra: Anahata—or the heart chakra, located in the centreof the chest slightly left of the heart.Stand straight with the spine erect and the palms innamaskara mudra at the heart centre.The primary balancing posture in the series, this prepares thebody and mind to begin the practice.2. HASTA UTTHANASANA—InhaleMantra: Om Ravaye Namaha—salutations to the shining one.Chakra: Vishuddha—at the base of the throat.Stretch your arms over your head and gently arch your head,neck, and back.This posture stretches the body upward and backward givingtraction to the spine, and also gives a gentle massage to theabdomen, improving digestion.3. PADAHASTA ASANA—ExhaleMantra: Om Suraya Namaha—salutations to the one whoinduces activity.Chakra: Ajna—also known as the third eye, locatedbetween the eyebrows.Bring your arms and head down, and place your hands inline with your toes. Try touching your forehead to the knees.This gives the benefits of an inversion, as well as those ofthe forward bending pose that follows it: Improveddigestion, blood flow during a menstrual cycle, andstimulation of the spinal muscles.4. ASHWA SANCHALANASANA—InhaleMantra: Om Bhanave Namaha—salutations to the onewho illuminates.Chakra: Ajna—also known as the third eye, locatedbetween the eyebrows.Stretch your right foot back, bend the left knee, and dropyour arms by your side keeping the elbows straight. Bringthe fingers of both hands in line with the left foot andslowly stretch your chin up.The main benefit here is to the pelvic region of the body.As the breath, or prana, moves upward, the chakra in theforehead region is stimulated.1

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