The Railway Magazine – August 2019

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98 •TheRailway Magazine•August2019

Merseyside gr ouplaunch

£12,000appealtof inishonly

survivingWarring tontram

THE MerseysideTramway
Preservation Society(MTPS)
has launcheda£12,000 appeal
to co mpleteWarrington
Corporation Tramwayscar
No.28, which is currently in the
final throes ofarestor ation at
the Wirral TransportMuseum in
Thesocietyhopes the
GFMilnes-built double-deck car
will be finishedby the autumn
of 2020, having acquired the
necessarycomponents and
completed the bulk of the
Thewiring is nearlycompleted,
the air pipework iswell advanced,
and the trolley plank has been
installed on theroof.Internal
detailing is also going in, which

leavesthe truck as the main
focus ofattent ion.
Themainoutstanding job is
the re-gauging of the wheelsets
thatcame from anex-Lisbon
Brill 21E truck,and therefore
needconverting from 90cmto
4ft8½in. However, this work will
cost in excess of £30,000, and
having already paid out £14,000
forelectrical motorwork that
wasexpectedtocost £4,000, the
MTPS is appealingfordonations
to help financethis vitalwork.
Anyone who donates£100 or
morewill be invitedto ride on
No.28’sinaugural passenger run,
while those who pledge under
£100 will be entitledto travel
on the tram during its first day
in traffic.

Donations should be sentto
the MTPS via Rob Jonesat 103
GroveRoad,Wallasey,CH45 3HG.
Please makecheques payable to
■No.28holds the distinction
of being the onlyWarrington
Corporation tramto have
survived into preservation.
It wasbuilt in 1902 as an
open-top car(originally No.2),
and received abalcony top-cover
sometime around 1906.
Twodecades lateritw as totally
enclosed withanew Brush-built
P22 truck instead of the original
Brill 21Eat the same time.
Withdrawal camein August
1935 afterwhich itwasbought
foruse asabowling green

shelter;itp erformed this task
until 1977 when preservedby
the late RayHentonand Alan
Museum.Itt ransferredto
Birkenhead in 2004.
TheMTPS isrestoring No.28to
open-balconycondition, which
is technically inauthenticforthis
particular car.However ,sister car
No.8did runat Warrington in
this guise,and theMTPS felt this
would be better suited
forNo. 28’sfuturerole on the
tourist-based Birkenhead
It includes an ingenious system
foropening the upper deck
windows,which areoperated
by awinder onarackand pinion

THE BrightonTram53Socie ty
is hoping the first phase of its
restor ation offormer Brighton
Corporation Tramways(BCT)‘F’
class tram–the rebuild of the
body–will becompletedby
this time next year.
Therestoration of the 3ft6in-
gauge open-top double-deck
car startednine years ago after
the society’spresentchairman
Guy Hallwent to see the body
of No.53and found itto be in
remarkably goodcondition.
Thesocietywas formed in
2010 and,with the blessing
of the tram’s owner,has
rebuildover the past decade
at aprivate sitenear Steyning,
West Sussex.
No.53was builtat BCT’s
LewesRoad depot in 1937 as
one of the last cars builtby
the Corporation. As an‘F’type
it featuredcovere dvestibules,

roller bearings,chrome handle
work,morepowerful motors
and helical gearing,but in spite
of these modern accoutrements
it hadaworking lifeofj ust two
It waswithdrawnin1 939
and,together withtwoother
tram s, wasconverted to ashed
at LewesRoad while therest of
the fleetwasscrappedforthe

No.53was la tersold to a
pigfarmer inPartridge Green,
whereitr emained until soldto
its currentowner in the 1970s.
Other thanabrief appearance
in Brightoninthe 1980s,the
car remained stored in an open
shed untilMr Hall’s fatefulvisit.
As much of the original timber
frameand ironwork as possible
has beenretained during the
restor ation, although therehas

beenasubstantial amountof
renewal in the floors and in new
Thesteel dash panels have
also beenreplaced,which has
broughtthe projecttoapoint
whereMrHall sa ys the body is
“withinayear of being finished”.
Fundingforthis work is in
plac e, so it is justamatterof
manpowertoc ompletethis
Many major electrical
components have been
acquired,and asuitable truck
donatedbythe National
Thesocietyisnow fundraising
to help financethe overhaul
and installation of these,witha
viewto getting No.53mobile as
soon as possible.
Formoreinformation email:
[email protected] or
visit the projectwebsiteat:
http://www.bri ghtontra

Brightontramsociety targets2020for the

completion of No.53bodyrestoration

BLACKPOOL‘Balloon’car No.715
has undergoneapartial repaint
at RigbyRoad depot into
authentic 1970s liverywith full
green cab surrounds,complete
with period advertising.
On one side it carries an advert
forCIS Insurance(pictured),
while on the other isaclassic
advertfor BlackpoolZoo.
TheFylde Transport

Trust-owned car has also
received attention inside,
losing its modern advertising
and having itswoodwork re-
varnished as per 1970scondition.
No.715 re-entered service
on May25and herepasses the
Metrop oleHotel beforepausing
at NorthPier enroutetothe
PleasureBeach on June 22.

Authentic1970s makeoverfor

Blackpool‘Balloon’ No.715

the postal trams
openedanew exhibitioncalled
TheMobilePost Box–Mail
byTram, which willrununtil
November 2020.Theexhibition
explains howinthe ear ly-20th
cent urytramcars became
mobile post boxes, carrying and
delivering letters and parcels.
More than30items from the
NationalTramwayMuseu m’s
storedcollections,which relate
to postal services andthe
tram ways ,havebeenput on

Manchester 765returns
Corporation‘Combination Car’
No.765 hascome to the end
of itsloanspell at Beamish
its homeat theHeatonPark
Tramway. ThetramleftCounty
Durham onJuly 2, having
accumulated500 milesat the
open airmuseum.
Unfortunately,the lo w-
loader carrying it brokedown
on theM62 motorway, andit
didnot roll up at Heaton Park
until 02.20thenextmorning.



From this...the lowersaloon of No.28inuse asabowling green
shelterat Cuddington, Cheshirepriortoitspreservation.MTPS

Tothis...therestoredNo. 28 is pictured in undercoat attheWirral
TransportMuseum on July 6.Canyou helpcomplete itsrestoration
toworkingorder?ROB JONES/MTPS

Heritage Trams Track Record

Call: 01507 529589
email: gboyd-hope

Your reports and
pictures aremostwelcome.
Highly competitiv erates
arepaid,especially if
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