The Railway Magazine – August 2019

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August2019 •TheRailway Magazine•97

Macri officially opened the second
new elevatedcommuterrailway
in Buenos Aires on July 10.
It has replacedground-level
railwayswith newroutes on
viaducts,eliminating 11 level
crossings,and releasing some
land forredevelopment.
The5km section of the Linea
SanMartin line between and
Palermo and LaPaternal in the
city’ssuburbs has beenrebuilt
on an eight-metrehigh viaduct
comprising 780 prefabricated
concret esections,incorporating
morethan 25,000tonnes of steel.
Two220-tonne machineswere
usedto move each concrete
section horizontally into place.
Thework cost 3.1billionPesos
The6.3kmsection between
the RetiroSan Martin terminus
and Palermoisl argely already on
viaducts dating from between the
line’s opening in 1888 and later
work upto 1912.
Theagreementtob uild the new
elevatedline wasmade between

the Cityand Federal governments
in December 2014, although
construction did not begin until
Amajor road bridgeover the
railway in theVilla Crespo area
datesfromthe 1960s,but is in
need of majorrepair,and was
demolished as partoft he work
(the road is nowonthe surface
again with therailway aboveit).

Improved connections
Twonew elevatedstations have
been builtto replaceprevious
ground-level onesat La Paternal
andVilla Crespo (formerly
Chacarita), whereimproved
connectionsto the Subtemetro
system areoffered.
These new stations arenot yet
completeand will open inafew
Services on the line areoperated
byTrenes Argentinos,largely
usin gaflee tofChine se-built SDD7
locos and Chinese-builtcoaches.
Around 90,000 passengers use the
services daily,operating on the
70kmroutebetween RetiroSan


passengertrain in Sweden

HECTORRail Class 66 loco
T66402 hauled the first
Class 66workedpassenger train
in Sweden on July 7.
Thetype has been in use in
the countr yfor manyyears,
but therehad not been any

passengerworkings before.
Thetrain wasanenthusiasts’
charterthatvisited several
freight-only lines,organised by
aSwedish rail group. Electric
tractionwasused between
Stockholm andBorlänge.

Right: H ectorRail T66402 (still informer RushRail livery)at Vansbro
timberterminalwith the special trainon July 7.HOWARD LEWSEY

Martin andPilar/DrCabred.
Anew 2kmunderground
section of Buenos Aires’Subte
metrosystemopened on June 3.
It connectsBolivia metrostation
and Retiro, wherethereare three
railway te rmini.
Thenew extension of‘Line E’

had been underconstructionfor
over adecade.The new section
has twointermediate stations and
is expectedtobeused by 63,000
TheSubtenetwork was
enlarged when north-south Line
Hopened in 2007.Tenders have

just been issuedto plan another
new north-south line,largely to
the east of Line H.
Thenew LineF, if built in the
next decade,will in terchange
will all six other Subtelines and
mainlinerail servicesat Plaza

Through trains
reinstatedthrough trains
fromTehranto Van, in Turkey.
They weresuspended
following abombattack on
the railwayline in 2016.
Thefirst through trainran
on June 24.


SubteEMUsatt he newRetiroLine Eterminus on June 23.TheFiatMaterfer EMUscurrently used on
theline were built inArgentina in the 1980s.DARIO SAIDMAN

ATrenesArgentinos LineaSanMartin train ,with Chinese-builtSDD7diesel B953 le ading, headingforPilar onthe newelevated li ne west of Palermo on July 15.DARIO SAIDMAN

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