The Railway Magazine – August 2019

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August2019 •TheRailway Magazine•105

LNER Class 91 No.91108catches the finalrays of thesun on July 22 as it propels
the16.30 Edinburgh-London King’s Cross pastSandy,Bedfordshire. This working
wasmeanttohavebeen its last passenger train, but the locowas back in traffic
less thanaweek later.FRASER PITHIE

FirstClass91withdrawn to become spares donor

LNERClass 91 No.91108 became
the first of the 31-strong class
to be taken out of serviceon
July 22.
Withdrawal of Class 91s
wasanticipatedfollowing the
introduction of theHitachi
‘Azuma’trains on LNER services,

and is in line with LNER’s plans
to hand locos backto the leasing
Theoperatormade no secret of
the withdrawal,and used social
mediato advise its intention and
publish the loco’sfinal di agram
forthe day, whichwasthe 05.40

Edinburgh-King’s Cross (Up
‘FlyingScotsman’), 11.00King’s
Cross-Edinburgh and 16.30
Edinburgh-King’s Cross
Partsavailabilityisb ecoming
moredifficult,sot he decision
has been madeto strip
No.91108 in order thatthe

components can be usedto ke ep
Class 91s in traffic.
Thelocowas expectedto
be stripped downat Wabtec
Doncaster,with asecond loco
withdrawal imminent.
During its 30years on the East
Coast Main Line,the locohas

carried the liveryofsix different
operators,was namedCityof
covered 7.6 million miles.
Thelocowas temporarily back
in serviceonJuly 28, because of
other Class 91s needing more
repairs than usual.

TheClass 802s arebeing tested over awidearea, and set No.802215workedatest run
from HeatononJuly 17,markin gthe first visit of the classto Scarborough–and the

accepted the firstHitachi Class 802
bi-mode train into its fleet.
Dubbed‘Nova 1’,TPE received
the setfollowing approval from
the Office of Rail and Road.
TPE has ordered 19 five-carriage
‘Nova 1’trains,each containing 342
seats ,ane xtra 161 comparedto its
currentClass 185trains.

They will be used between
Newcastle andEdinburgh, and the
plan isto phase them into service
beforethe end of theyear.
In respectoft he‘Nova 2’and
‘Nova 3’fleets,these arestill
undergoing rigoroustesting.
The‘Nova 2’is aCAF-built,
five-car Class 397 EMU (12

ordered) which willwork be tween
Manchester Airportand Glasgow
or Edinburgh, while the‘Nova 3’
is aClass 68-hauled set of five
carriages,with adriving trailerat
one end.TPE sa ys it has accepted
three‘Nova 3’sets (alsoknownas
Mk5a carriages), but asaresult of
further faults thathaveemerged,
the first‘Nova 3’will enterservice

towardsthe end of summer.
Theproblem swith the sets are
seeingCAFandTPEwork closely
to resolvethem, but the delay
has hadasignificantimpacton
staff training,and moretime will
nowberequiredto co mpletethis
beforeentry to traffic.
Thereisapool of 66 carriages,
which will beformed into 13

five-car setsforuse between
Liverpool LimeStreet and
Scarbo rough viaManchester
Victoria, plusManchester Airport
to Middlesbrough.
When all three fleets areint raffic,
the new trains should provide
vastly increased capacitytor outes
in the north which have suffered
from chronicovercr owding.

TPE Class 802 No.802206 passes through Eastleigh on June 26 witha08.10
Eastleigh-NorthPole IEP Depottest run.MARK PIKE

TransPennine acceptsfirst Hitachi-built ‘Nova1’s et

Surplus UK EMUs forSouthAfrica?

EMUSmaderedundantint he UKby new
rollin gstock could findanew home in
South Africa.
ThemanagementofS outhAfrica ’s
Gautrain operation, an 80kmroutelinking
Pretoria, JohannesburgandTambo
International Airport, is lookingfor
second-handrolling stock afterafailed
tender bid in 2016for12new four-car
Gautrain operates afleet of 24 EMUs
based onBombardier’s ‘Electrostar’design.

Thefirst fewtrainswerebuilt inDerby,
with theremainder assembled inSouth
Africa.Thegauge andoverheadvoltage are
the same as the UK.
Gautrain is understoodto be lookingfor
30 carriages,and one possiblecontender
could be theStansted Express Class 379s.
Likethe Gautrain EMUs, they arepartof
the‘Electrostar’family with manycommon
components.The fleet of 30‘379s’are due
to be maderedundantbyt he newStadler
Class 745/1 EMUs.

DB CargotosellmoreClass60s

THE latest tender list from DBCarg ohas
afurther fiveClass 60s upforsale.
Thefivelisted areNos.60006, 60050,
60060, 60081 and 60086, all of which
No.60006waswithd rawn in
November 2004, so has spent15years
in store, marginally longer than its
working life.
No.60081 becameacelebritymember
of the class when itwasrepaintedin
GWRgreen in 2000, and the original

BleaklowHillnamereplaced with
IsambardKingdom Brunel.
However, the locosuffered a
catastrophic engine failureand was
Threeofthe locos–Nos.60006, 60050
and60081–had previously been
offeredforsale in 2010.
Four Class 60s on anotherrecent
tender list–Nos.60028/038/046/055
–weresold to DCRail’s owners,the
Cappagh Group.

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