The Railway Magazine – August 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1

80151returndelayed at Bluebell Railway

RIDDLES‘4MT’2-6-4T No.80151
is back in operation following
overhaulat theBluebellRailway.
TheBrighton-built locohas
not worke dsincewithdrawal
foroverhaul inMay2012, and
over the pastfour years has
received anextensiveoverhaul
and boilerrepairsto the tune

of almost £360,000. Nearly half
of thiswascontributedby the
BluebellRailway Trust and the
loco’sowninggroup, the80151
Afull repainthas been
completedby HeritagePainting,
and on July3the‘StandardTank’
wasundergoing its first trial

run. It wasplannedto have the
locoinrevenue-earning traffic
on July 27, but thiswasdelayed
by whatthe BluebellRailway
described as“a lack ofresources”.
Theprecise natureofthis
could not be ascertained as this
issue ofTheRMwent to press.

BR‘4MT’No.80151works aloadedtest traintowardsSheffieldPark at theBluebellRailway on July 3.
Thelocoise xpectedtojoin theroster this summer.DAVID CABLE

OVERHAULof the Dartmouth
Steam Railway’s GWR 2-8-0T
No.5239Goliathby the East
SomersetRailway reachedakey
stage on July 23 when the loco’s
No.4boilerwas reunited with
the frames.
Re-tubing of the boilerwas
completedat theend ofMay
hydraulictest on June 14, it
passed its out-of-frames steam
test at thebeginning of July.
New barrel cladding has been
laser cut androlled,although
the old fireboxcladding has
been refurbishedforfurther use.
No.5239 is seen standing on

Dartmouth’sGoliathrega ins

itsboile ratCranmoreworks

theworkshopat Cran moreon
July 23 ,just hours afterthe
boiler had been lowere dinto

August2019 •TheRailway Magazine•75

Main line Travelling Post

Office runtomark85th

anniversary of Night Mail?

“THIS is theNightMail crossing
the border,Bringing the cheque
and the postal order...”
WHAuden’s opening lines
to 1936’sevocativ eGPO
about thework of theTravelling
Post Office (TPO)are knownby
thousands,and to manyconjure
images ofFowler4-6-0s on the
West Coast Mail Line,footplate
crew sworking hard, andthe
stunning scenerynorth ofCarlisle.
Theshortfilm, which is
regarded asaclassic,will be 85
years old in 2021, andto mark
the anniversarythe GreatCentral
Railway-basedRail Vehicle
Preservations (RVP)groupplans
to takeasix-coach TPO set
back onto the main linefora
steam-hauled run between
Derbyand Bristol.
“Why would we want to do this?
Whynot,ist he simple answer.
It’s certainly differentand will
hopefullyexciteand educate
those who see the train out on
the main line,” RVPsaid on its
Thefactthat2021 is also the
50 thanni versaryoft he last main
lineTPOexchan ge at Penrith is
also afactorbehind the proposal.
Network Rail hasgivenits
approval to the scheme,and RVP
has launcheda£45,000 appealto
fund the necessaryupgrade work

to makethe Mk1 TPO stock main
line compliant.
It said:“Our sixcoaches will
than usual.Thereisaworld of
differencebetween running on a
heritage line and‘going main line’.
“Weneed to ra ise fundsforan
approved engineerto inspectthe
vehicles,and the possibilitythat
theremay be somerepairs and
renewalsto be carried out.”
Oncethis has been
accomplishedRVPcan obtain
an engineering acceptance
certificate,which will enable the
stockto be re-reg istered on the
rolling stock library.
Thegroup also hopesto
repaintfiveoft he vehicles prior
to venturing onto the national
As yetaTrain Operating
Companyhas not been selected
to operate the train onRVP’s
behalf,but it is hoped normal
coaching stock can be included
in the trainto enable passengers
to travel on this one-off run.
Fordetails on howyou can
campaign/nightmail85 or send
acheque,made payable to RVP
Ltd,with‘NightMail 85’written
on the backto:RVP (Night
Mail 85 Appeal), Spinney Close,
Main Street,KibworthHarcourt,
Leicester,LE8 0NQ

‘BlackFive’No. 45305race sthrou gh Quorn &Woodhouse station
duringaTPO runat theGreat CentralRailway on January26. This
is the stock theRail VehiclePreservation group hopesto put on
themain line in 2021.CLIVE HANLEY

HEAVYFREIGHT2-8-0 No.48624
waswithdrawnfromservic eat
the GreatCentralRailway (GCR)
at the end of July pending its
next 10-yearly overhaul.The
Stanier‘8F’has beenastalwart

member of the GCR steam fleet,
and on June 26took partina
by TimelineEvents ,and also
featuring classmate No.48305.

fromoverhaul justafew months
ago,and will takeNo. 48624’s
placeint he GCR’s operating
fleet.The twolocos ar eseen
passingat Kinchley Lane during
the Timeline charter.PETER ZABEK

‘8F’ 48642bowsout at GreatCentr al

Haveyougotastoryforus?Email: [email protected]

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