The Railway Magazine – August 2019

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IndustrialSteam Track Record

76 •TheRailway Magazine•August2019

BrookesNo. 1 and Illingworth


The LadyArmaghdale
attends motor
racing event

FORMERManchester Ship
Canal and ICI Hunslet
0-6-0TTheLady Armaghdale
of aSevernValley Railway
displayatt he Chateau
ImpneyHill Climb event,
near Droitwich, on July
13-14.It wasarareouting
forthe Warwickshire
loco, which usuallyresides
in the SVR’s Engine House
museumat Highley.

Walesw oodgets
its boilerback

HUDSWELL,Clarke 0-4-0ST
wasreunited with its
overhauled boilerforthe
first time since1990 at
the Northamptonshire
IronstoneRailway Trust’s
HunsburyHill base on
July 5.Theex-Waleswood
Collierylocopassed its
out-of-frames steamtest
the daybefor e, andareturn
to steam isexpectedinthe
coming months.

Merlinback in
actionat Telford

returnedto serviceatthe
Telfor dSteam Railway
during June aftermore
thanayear outforboiler
repairs andaretube.The
former BrownBayley
Steels locojoins fellow
(1722/1926) as the
mainstayofTSR operations
at Horsehay.


THE Pontypool&Blaenavon
Railway (P&BR) will paytribu te
to the industrial locomotive
manufacturers ofLeeds laterthis
summer withaspeci al Built in
Leeds gala onSeptember 13-15.
Theevent will centre arou nd
Mike Pearce’s Hunslet‘48150’class
0-6-0STJessie(1873/1937), which
recently joined the P&BR fleet
following itsoverhaul andreturn
to East Moors Steelworkslivery
as No.18.
Joining it will be another Hunslet
0-6-0ST –Brookes No.1–which
will visit from theMiddleton
Railway.The 14in-cylindered loco
(2387/1941) bearsastrong family
resemblancetoJessie,albeit on a
smaller scale,and will makefor an
interestingcomparison with its
larger sibling.
working careerat Brookes
ChemicalsLtd’s LightcliffeWorks,
near Halifax.In 1969, theworks

closed and No.1was soldat
auctionto ascrap dealer,but
resold shortly afterwards to the
had takenover the Lightcliffesite.
Twoyears laterthe locowas
acquiredforpreservation by
Alf Hall,and occasionally steamed
on ashortlength of trackat Delph
station, near Oldham.

Sold again
In 1983‘Brookes’was so ld again
to the Peak RailwaySocietyand
takento Buxtonwhereitworked
until 1985. By 1991 it had changed
hands again, and movedtot he
MiddletonRailwaywhereits most
recent overhaulwascompleted in
August 2017.
AnotherLeeds manufacturer
be representedby0-6-0ST
Illing worth/Mitchell(1208/1916)
from the Embsay&Bolton Abbey
Railway (see panel).

TheformerNiddValley Light
Railway loco, which during its
pre-preservation lifecarried no
fewe rthan four differentnames,
returnedto steam inMay2017
afteranextensiverestor ation by
owner Stephe nMiddleton.
It remains the sole-surviving
NiddValley loco,having also
been employedbythe Ministry
of Munitions,Sir RobertMcAlpine
andMowlembefor ebeing
consignedto scrap in 1957.
With residentBagnall 0-6-0ST
Empressand Andrew Barclay

0-4-0STRosyth No.1also in service,
visitors canexpectanintensive
passenger servicebetween
BlaenavonHigh Level, Furnace
Sidings andWhistle Inn, together
with regularworking up the
branch fromFurnaceSidingsto
Big Pit.
Furthermore, the line’s rake of
16T mineralwagons will also be
out fordemonstration runs as part
of the freighttrain.
Formoreinformation on the
even tvisit: http://www.pontypool-and-


spending the summer in
the YorkshireDales priorto
returningto the Pontypool
&Blaen avon Railway in time
forthe Built inLeeds gala.
It began operating from

mid-July and will carryon
throughoutAugustat the
Embsay&Bolton Abbey
Railway alon gside Hudswell,
Mitchelland GWR‘56XX’
0-6-2T No.5643.

Hunslet0-6-0STBrookesNo. 1head sthe 12.10 goods from Balm
Roadto MoorRoad at the MiddletonRailw ay on September 17, 2017,
havingrece ntly returnedto serviceafter overhaul.TOMNOBLE

VisitingAndrew Barclay0-6-0T No.1245 departsFoxfie ld Colliery
duringaearly morning photocharteronJuly 20. MARTYN TATTAM

Lambton No.29s et


AN IMMI NENTreturn to serviceisonthe cardsfor
Lambton, Hetton&JoiceyCollieriesKitson 0-6-2T
No.29( 4263/1904) as itsoverhaul nearscompletion
at the NorthYorkshireMoors Railway’s Grosmont
Thepopular locohas been out of servicesince
late-2014 whenacrack wasdiscovered in itscylinder
block.Anew cylinder block has subsequently been
fitted,and af terreassembly,repairs and painting the
locobegan running-in on July 22.
It is pictured leaving Grosmontonatest runto

THE Weybourneworkshop of the North
Norfolk Railway is makinggreatstrides in the
restor ation of the oldest surviving standard-
gauge Hunslet 0-6-0ST–MikeHart’sHastings
Although currently off its wheels,the boiler
is back in the frames with cladding on, the cab
refitted and therefurbished tank trial fitted in
early-July.The firstcoat sofblue painthavealso
been applied as fittings and pipework go on.

Rapidprogress on

Hastings restoration

Lakeside’sBarclay steals


VISITINGAndrew Barclay0-6-0T
No.14( 1245/1911)certainly stole
the showatthe FoxfieldRailway’s
SummerGala on July 20-21,
recalling the heydayoft he
Scottishcoalfields when these
big Barclaytanks wereacommon
sightoncoal trains.
TheformerCarron Iron
Companylocohad made the
journeyto Staffordshirefrom
its homeat theLakesi de &
liver yasNo. 14 (RMJune).
Normally the lococan be
found hauling trains of visitors
and holidaymakers between
Haverthwaiteand Lake
Windermere, but during its

pre-preservation career itwascoal
thatprovided its staplework.
Thevisit to Foxfield,therefore,
provided the first opportunityin
preservation forthe locotohaul
long rake sof1 6T coal wagons,
something it has not done since
beingretired from theMichael
andWellesleycollieries in 1972.
With its large 18inx24in
cylinders,No. 14 made lightwork
of Foxfield Bank,stridingaway
fromFoxfieldCollieryand up the
1-in-19gradientwith apparent
Four locos from the home
fleet werealso inaction
during theweekend,including
(3839/1956) andWhiston

(3694/1950), whichwasfresh from
an extended hireatt he Churnet
Valley Railway. The‘Austerities’
shared the bulk of the passenger
andfreightturns with No.14,
whileDübs 0-4-0CTNo. 4101
provided lifting demonstrations at
the colliery, as well as bank ing and

double-header assistanceatt imes.
Also in trafficwasveteranBeyer,
Peacoc k0-4-0ST No.1827, which
wasmakin gits post-overhaul
gala debut primarily hauling the
but also making appearances on
the coal runs.

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email: gboyd-hope

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