The Railway Magazine – August 2019

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96 •TheRailway Magazine•August2019

Time running out for


THE last fewremainingItalian
RailwaysClass 444‘Tartarughe’
(Tortoise) electric locos are
They ar ebeing replacedby more
modern locos,and mostrecent ly
by second-hand,Italian-built‘Fyra’
high-speed trains from
Italian Stat eRailwaysintroduced
the first Class 444 locos in 1967
when theywerethe most
powerful and fastest locos in
Italy,at3 ,420kW and 180kph,
respectively.After fiv eprototypes
had been built another 112 locos
wereordered and delivered
between 1968 and 1975.The
production locosweremore
powerful at 4,200 kW and faster,
approved for200kph.
When new the locos had
curvedstyling andwere given
the nickname‘Tartarughe’with
deliberate iron yast hey werein
factthe fastest locos in the fleet.
Formanyyears some locos carried
tortoise logos.
Between 1989 and 1997 the
production locos,plusprototype
No.444 005,were re built with
new traction equipmentfor higher
speed operation, andreceived
new,moreangular,but more
aerodynamic front-end designs.
Theother prototypeswere
withdrawn, although No.444 001
is preserved.
Theclass has progressively lost
work,with manylocos withdrawn
in the last decade,especially
following the opening of much
of Italy’s high-speed network and
the introduction of multipletypes
of new high-speed trainreplacing
loco-hauled trains.
In recent years the class
dominatedIntercit yand
night-train operation between
Milan andLecce, along theAdriatic
coast,aswell as operating IC and
Thello trains between Milan and
Genoa/Ventimiglia, which is now
the best placetof indthe fewlocos
remaining in service.

Above: No.E444 085 in the
currentTrenitali aliver yarrives
in Bari with an Interc ityservice
fromMilan onFebruary27. All
of thecoaches areint he new
Trenitalia IC white&red livery.

Right: Before re building:
No.E444 102 arrives inVenice
SantaLucia onAugust 12, 1987
with Swiss andFrenchstock.
TheFrench couchettes had
departedCalais Maritimeat
19.40 the previous day.

Chinese-builtsteam back on USAmainline

ONE oftwoChinese-built‘QJ’
2-10-2 steam locos–based on the
Iowa Interstate freightrailroad –
has been in action this summer
operating short-distanceday trips
to raise funds andawareness for
local firedepartments intowns
along therailroad’s route.
Two‘QJs’(Nos.6988 and
7081, built in 1985 and 1986,
the USA in 2006, and arenow
operatedvia the‘not-for-profit’
CentralStatesSteam Preservation
Iowa Interstate provides track
access and financial/logistical
supportfor the charitytrips as
these supportits day-to-day
frei ghtoperationsby enhancing

relations with localcommunities.
Thetrips arealsoused
to communicate safety
messagesto passengers as
partoft he Operation Lifesaver
prog rammeto reducelevel
crossing accidents.The day-trip
prog rammerestartedin2 018
afterafiveyear hiatus.
‘QJ’No.6988 is currently active,
and has had somecosmetic
changes,with black-painted
driving wheels and new
distinctiveIowa Interstate red
and yellowlightning zig zags on
its smokedeflectors,leadingto
its new nickname the‘Iowa Bolt’.
Thelocos ar ebasedat asecure
shed in the Iowa Interstate’s Yard
in Newton, Iowa.

These arenot the only Chinese
steam locos in the USA. Another
‘QJ’loco –No. 7040–was
importedin2008 by the
RJCormanRailroad in Kentucky.
It wasused until 2013 and is
currently plinthed.
Ex-China Rail 2-8-2‘JS’
No.8419 is basedat theBoone
Scenic railroad in Iowa,but is
currently out of service.
tourist train operators in 1989,
and arecurrently in use in New
Jersey andConnecticut.
Athird, builtforaUSrailroad
in 1991,wasnever delivered
afterbeing lostat sea when the
ship itwasonsank.

‘QJ’No .6988 at Anita, Iowa on June 30 with one of three charity
trip sonthatday whichwere headingwest towardsthe town of
Atlantic.No. 6988 isknownasthe‘Iowa Bolt’.KEITH FENDER

Replacedby ex-‘Fyr a’

Trenitalia has been using
rebuiltETR700 EMUsonthe
Milan to Lecce routesince
June 9, which has ledto
Class 444 losing moreoftheir

remainingwork as loco-hauled
trains arebeing progressively
trains arethe former‘Fyr a’or
‘Albatros’high-speed EMUsbuilt
between 2004-2011by
Ansaldo Breda (nowHitachi

Italy) forDutch andBelgian
Railwaystouse between
Amsterdam and Brussels.
Theentirefleet of 19 trainswas
returnedto the manufacturer in
2013, and 17 of them have now
beenrebuiltby Hitach ifor use
by TrenitaliaasClass ETR700.

Eisenbahn line
re-opensto passengers
REGIONALservices on the
28kmBad Bentheim to
Neuenhaus line inwestern
Services areoperated by
the line’s historic owner the
Bentheimer Eisenbahn using
afleet of new Alstom‘LINT’

Hydrogen trainsfor
ALSTOMhaswon acontractto
supply 27 of its‘iLINT’hydro gen
fuel-cell and batterypowered
trainsto Frankf urtamMain
area transportauthorityRMV.
Theorder is wortharound
€500million, including 25years
of maintenanc eplus hydrogen
supply.The fleetisd ue in
servicebyDecember 2022,
replacing DMUs.
In France,Alstom haswon
its first orderforhydro gen-
powere dtrains with an order
forthree Régiolishydrogen
fuel-cell-powere dmultiple
units,which will be used in the
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region
to operateClermont-Ferrandto
Lyon services

Turkish-built trams
TURKISHtram manufacturer
Bozankayabeatoff Pesa
(Poland)to win an orderfor
16 new low-floor tramsforthe
Thenew vehicle swill be
supplied in 2020.


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