Wopreneur – July 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
What do Millenials Want?

What do Millenials really want
at work?

At work/ in life? Or what draws millenials at
work. Do you think you have figured out your
millennial employees? What do they really
expect out of their jobs and career? Read
below to find out!

Attracting and retaining top-notch talent is
fundamental to the success of any start-up
or new business. Millennials are currently
the largest generation currently active in the
workforce – As per research, millennials
are projected to make up more than half
the workforce in two years, and roughly 75
percent of it by 2025- so, whatever you may think
of them, they have the power to stand up for what
they think they deserve in the workplace. With this
in mind, it would be a good idea for employers to
understand what do millennials want from their
employers and what makes the ‘Gen Next’ tick!
Millennials are likely the most scrutinized
generation of all time and yet we know little as
to what motivates this generation and gets them

Millennials- Who are they?

The millennials are the generation of young adults born roughly
between 1980 and 2000 and currently aged between 20 to their
late 30’s. (The exact years may vary slightly depending on who
you ask, some theories even refer to those born post 1996-
generation as ‘post-millenials’ or Gen Z). They have grown up in
an environment surrounded by technology for the most part and
hence, characterized by the use and adaptation of technology
in their everyday lives. They are also characterised by similar
values, life experiences, motivations, and common buying
behaviours. They are developing as a social group who have
been influenced by comparable world events, social and
economic changes in their lives. They are the result of
technological integration in their everyday lives from childhood
to adulthood. These shared socio-cultural and life experiences
have led this generation to have a similar set of values, beliefs
and attitudes towards life.

Much has been written about the Millennial generation- about
what are their expectations, what drives them, what puts them
off etc. Millennials may be ethnically diverse, but they are largely
an optimistic group, less religious than past generations and
very open minded. But what we really want to know is, what do
Millennials want in the workplace? Let’s shine a spotlight on the
“IT Generation “of our times to sift the facts from the stereotypes.

Unfairly branded

Contrary to popular notions, research has shown many of the
preconceived concepts about millennials and what they want
in the workplace is misinformed. And in fact, their desires are a
lot more like previous generations than we may think! Society
seems to have unfairly branded the entire millennial generation
as lazy and entitled. As millennials become a larger segment
of the workforce, grow in affluence & start forming their own
families, the myths about their generation begin to shed. As per
research (https://www.cbre.com/about/live-work-play-2016), a
full 87% of millennials say professional development or career
growth opportunities are very important to them in a job. They
believe that life and work should be worthwhile and have
meaning. They want to learn and grow. Another global study
( https://www.siliconrepublic.com/careers/millennials-
future-of-work-udemy) that was conducted on adults aged
between 21 and 37 showed that learning and development,
flexibility, and stability were some of the key desires of millennial

Loyalty is still cool

The millennials’ desire for stability was one of the more
unexpected and contrary findings, as their tendency to hop jobs
is another stereotype attached to their generation. The
majority—62 percent—would ideally prefer to change jobs as
infrequently as possible. In other words, if employees have a
job that challenges them, offers professional development and
provides them with advanced skills, they’ll be more likely to stay
in that position indefinitely. That conviction rings true for top
performers too. If their skills are being utilized and they’re being
properly compensated, they’re inclined to stay put.

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