Wopreneur – July 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
Of course, that is not to say that employers take employee
loyalty for granted—especially not in this digital age where
finding opportunities elsewhere is more accessible and
easier than ever before. While many millenials are realistic
when it comes to their expectations, some may move on
quickly if their needs aren’t being met.

Not all Eat, Work & Play!

There is also the common misconception that the key
to millennials’ hearts is unexpected perks and games
rooms etc; the truth is, in fact, much simpler!
Millennials are eager to enhance their skillsets, and
employers must provide learning resources if they
want to bring millennials on-board and, more
importantly, keep them there. Learning and
development was found to be one of the most
important elements of a job for millennials, with many
deeming it the single most important benefit when
deciding where to work.

Flexibility Is Freedom

Generally, millennials appear to be highly value their freedom as
well as the quality of their workspaces, with nearly 70 percent of
those surveyed willing to make various compromises to secure a
better workspace or a favourable office environment. Added
flexibility and control over their life appear to be deciding factors,
and employees who have more control over their work
environment thrive and create higher levels of engagement.

Dreaming Big

Millennials may be young but they are serious about their
careers. Although the generation has been repeatedly charged
with lethargy, Millennials are determined to accomplish their
potential by forging ahead in the unchartered digital world they
have come of age in. Be aware of Millennials’ ambition from the
word-go and their drive toward success. Never assume they are
not “here to stay”. There is also a risk of employers stunting the
millennial workforce with a lack of trust. Many millenials
reportedly felt there’s a gap between what they feel capable of
doing and what employers believe they’re qualified for. Learn
about their skills and demonstrate ways in which they can utilize
these to realize their full potential.

Working for a greater good

Despite the frequent accusations of displaying traits of
self-absorption and entitlement, Millennials can be quite fixated
toward social issues they care about or causes greater than
themselves. While one can’t instantly instill passion for the
company’s initiative, there is a means to make it a win-win
situation for all. During the interview process, learn about what a
Millennial candidate is passionate about and find ways they can
channel that passion towards the company’s larger goal or in the
firm’s current work environment.

Social Beings

It’s common knowledge that Millennials are highly present on
social media and are greatly influenced by it. This goes to show
that Millennials trust their peers and care about what they have
to say. So also, Millennials typically have strong loyalty to their
coworkers, often indicating teamwork to be more valuable and
meaningful than individual work for the company. When hiring
Millennials, highlighting opportunities to work in teams toward
common goals would be helpful.

Millenials today make up the largest population in the
workforce. To stay ahead of the hiring curve, SMEs and
start-up organizations need to be focused on creating
spaces that speak to millennials’ desires, while
fostering productivity, efficiency, connectivity and
community. Be sure to communicate ways in which
employees will be able to grow personally and
professionally with your organization. Cracking the code
on how to best motivate millennials in the workplace may
not be a piece of cake but it isn’t exactly rocket science

“Every generation brings something new to the
workplace - and millennials are no exception.
As a group, they tend to be highly educated,
love to learn, grew up with the Internet and
digital tools in a way that can be highly useful
when leveraged properly.”

  • Kathryn Minshew

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