Wopreneur – July 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
Meet the Team

I’ve always been spontaneous with my
decision making and have led life by the will
of ideas and Inspirations. Having ended up
in design school with no inclination towards
fashion, I swung towards graphic design
and started working for a kidswear brand
after completing my Master’sdegree from
London College of Fashion. Two years later,
my teammate (now Co-founder) and I both
quit together, with a dramatic exit and set off
to lay the foundation of our design studio –
Project 1.6. There are some things that one
should never give up on – Dreams and Ideas.
I Am glad to be associated with Wopreneur
as we tread towards creating something
unique for the community.

Growing up in an Indian family means you
are restricted with your dreams. I believe in
doing out of the box things and to do that
you need to go an extra mile.From being a
management student to a Junior graphic
designer at Project 1.6 it was a
roll-a-coaster ride. But when you have a goal
and the courage to achieve it no one can
stop you from it. Wopreneur inspires me to
keep dreaming big and do things out of your
willingness, doing things you want to do.

As a child, I learned composition and
aesthetics from my father who loved
clicking my pictures. After moving to
Mumbai, I pursued my love for photography
and cinematography, thereafter trained with
professional photographers and film
production houses. In 2015, I started
Epiphany, my company. Being an avid
traveller, I am always keen on promoting
travel photography and blogs. Working with
Wopreneur has allowed me a chance to
meet inspiring minds whilst becoming part
of a great team doing some really fabulous
work. This has also given me a gateway to
contribute to a project that is fully aimed at
building a better community.

I’ve always believed in doing the
impossible. Someone says no, and I think
why not? From riding bikes to becoming
a textile designer who started making
websites, I think it’s always helped me to
keep believing in the biggest dreams. After
working for four years in the fashion
industry, I passionately run a design studio
where every day is a new adventure and
opportunity to endless learning. Being
associated with Wopreneur gives me the
opportunity to co-create something of value.

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