Wopreneur – July 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
For me passion is living by making my own
decisions. With Wopreneur, we lift each other
up not just because we have to but we want
to and we believe that we should. We can
make difference individually but together the
impact would be much better. I’m a part of
the Digital Marketing Team at Wopreneur.
The reason why I joined Wopreneur is that,
while growing up I always felt that the way
society treats women was not fair and that’s
when I decided that I will do something
about it. I didn’t know what but now I know.

I am pasionate about learning new things
because am still exploring things that I am
good at. At Wopreneur I am part of the
digital marketing team. Every work that we
do here makes a difference and that
gives me immense work satisfaction. It’s
also super fun to work here. After meeting
the team I felt that everyone was so open,
loving and accepting. I felt like I belong here.
I am also learning and growing everyday.
Very happy to be a part of Wopreneur and
contribute to the vision of empowering
women financially.

Music has played a huge role in my life, as
my family has always been inclined towards
it. Music has instilled discipline in me which
has helped me at my work too. I have always
looked forward to learn new things and seek
profound knowledge. Wopreneur is like a
second home to me with great mentors,
lovely mates and an equally indulgent
atmosphere. Proud to be a part of
Wopreneur’s Digital Marketing Team. Here,
all of us are working towards one goal, i.e.
empowering women financially and helping
them make their own choices. Our aim is
to bring a positive change in the society by
uplifting women entrepreneurs.

Komal Kadam
I am still exploring my passion. At
Wopreneur I am a part of the Digital
Marketing Team. Wopreneur as a business
works for the financial empowerment of
women and being a part of Woperneur I truly
feel blessed. My connection with Wopreneur
is at the soul level. I find that Wopreneur is
like an ocean where each drop is filled with
a new learning experience. Every individual
is born once, but there is also a belief of
rebirth. Yes, I have been reborn with all the
confidence, power & positive vibes with
Wopreneur and am proud to be a part of the

Meet the Team
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