Wopreneur – July 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
Some people, specially friends become your support system even
without you realizing it, those of us who have such friends are
blessed because we have someone that we can fall back on. These
are friends who will just be there for you without judging you and that
too unconditionally. I feel blessed to have such a friend in Meenakshi.


s promised I am back with yet another amazing milestone
in the journey of Wopreneur. It was in 2013 that Meenakshi
Pathak had attended an event in Pune while she was still
working in the corporate world. This event was organized by a UK
based company and we were discussing about the challenges faced
while treading towards our goal. Meenakshi was one of the first
persons to join the event and amongst the last to leave.

The subject about ‘Challenges Faced by Women’ is so close to
my heart that when it was my turn to speak, I spoke at length and
shared my journey and also explained why I am passionate about
this subject. After the event Meenakshi walked upto me and said I
connected with your story, tell me how I can support you.....and that
was a start to our association.

Moving on to 2016 November, my marital status changes to
Divorced and I have moved back to India. Looking to make a fresh
start and the first person I got in touch with after I reached India was
Meenakshi. After coming back and trying to cope with being alone,
back to your country of birth after 17 years everything was playing up
in my mind. I was trying to find my footing and trying to understand
all the emotions that were going through my system, and there was
only one person I could share this with – Meenakshi.

Everytime I called on her she was there and at a time when I had
stopped believing in myself that I could start again and build support
system for women, it was Meenakshi who always kept telling me
that we will do it and when the time is right, let’s keep looking for
signs.I figured that I need to keep myself busy, so took up projects
and kept myself busy. Keeping myself busy and absorbed in work
helped me heal. Finally in 2018 I felt settled mentally, emotionally
and physically, so I met up with Meenakshi who had now moved to
Mumbai (where I was based too).

We met up and had the longest conversation going through each
detail – when, what, how, where....all the questions a start-up needs
to answer before starting the enterprise. Each step was discussed
and Meenakshi was there to listen, reflect and prod into more details.
Each question she asked helped make the idea stronger and gave
clarity in charting our path.



Finally 7th July 2018 Wopreneur was registered as a Private
Limited company, so we had a dream and with the company
being registered it became a reality.

And all through this journey Meenakshi has been with me and
Wopreneur and yes its been an amazing ride so far. Next issue I will
share about how we got to our design team onboard. It was different,
speaking to these two millenials, I was bowled over by their design
sense and intellectual capabilities.
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