The Teenager Today – July 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Want to reach out to the Indian youth and their parents?

Let do it for you!

First and the only magazine for teenagers in India.

T he most widely-read teen magazine in India.

Delivers the widest youth demographic across India; not

only does the magazine cater to urban teens, but reaches

thousands of small towns and cities in the country as well.

With its value-based, youth-related content,

THE TEENAGER TODAY has a strong presence in over

2000 English-medium schools across India.

Being 56-years-old, parents who used to read the

magazine as teenagers are now passing on THE TEENAGER

TODAY legacy to their children.

AD pOsITION RATE (per insertion)* sIzE

Back Cover `20,000 22.0 cm x 17.5 cm

Inside Front Cover `18,000 23.0 cm x 17.5 cm

Inside Back Cover `16,000 23.0 cm x 17.5 cm

Inside Full page `12,000 23.0 cm x 17.5 cm

Inside Half page `7,000 11.5 cm x 17.5 cm

strip Ad `3,000 4.0 cm x 17.5 cm

Centre spread `25,000 22.0 cm x 35.0 cm

Ad specifications

TOTAL PRINT AREA: 23.0 cm x 17.5 cm

EXTRA BLEED SIZE: 26.0 cm x 19.5 cm (Note: All elements should be at least 1 cm from the edge)

SUBMISSION DATE: All creative materials must reach us by the 10th of the month prior to the month in which the advt. is to appear.

FILE FORMAT: All images should be at least 300 dpi. Files should be CMYK only in PDF (with embedded fonts) or TIFF/JPEG format.

Make a must in your media plan.

Call 022-26557443 / 9833807756 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve your space.

3+ insertions

6+ insertions

12+ insertions

*GST @5% will be charged
Free download pdf