18 - EspritBonsaiInternational #
^ Exhibitions
Impressive trees
There was an incredible number of satsuki to
see during the festival. Almost all were in full
bloom, one more beautiful than the other, and
there were numerous genuine masterpieces. The
overall quality of the exhibition was outstanding,
and many of the most impressive trees were very
Of course, there were trees that were not as
impressive or special, but they were nevertheless
very beautiful.
It was a great experience to see so many mas-
terpieces together. One learns so much more
when one sees trees in real life. One gets a better
overview of the structure of the branches and of
the colour, shape and size of the flowers, which
of course, play an important role in satsuki.
Azalea Rhododendron indicum ‘Nikko’. Height: 90 cm (35½ in.).
Azalea Rhododendron indicum ‘Nikko’. Height: 87 cm (34¼ in.).