Model Airplane News – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


1st//Trond Hammerstad & Ali Machinchy//
Me 262
With a length of 126 inches, this 1/4-scale jet,
built by Trond from the Airworld kit, earned 96.
static points, and Ali fl ew the Me 262 using his
Spektrum radio to earn a total of 194.300 points.
Th e jet is powered by two KingTech 140 turbine
engines, and weighs 45 pounds.

2nd//Mike Barbee & Frank Noll//
Beechcraft T-34B
Built by Mike from Bob Patton plans, this
monster-scale, 136-inch-span model
earned 96.333 points on the static judges’
table. Th e 115-pound model is powered by a
Desert Aircraft DA-200, and pilot Frank Noll
fl ew the T-34B using a Futaba 18MZ to earn
a total of 193.933 points.

4th//Phil Noel & Rei Gonzalez//MiG-
Built by Phil from the Skymaster kit, this 1/4-scale jet is
powered by a Jet Central Cheetah 160 turbine. It earned
96.333 static points, and Rei piloted the MiG-15 using a
Spektrum DX20 radio to earn 191.158 total points.

With a designated builder and a designated pilot, who is
also allowed to work on the aircraft, the aircraft in the
Team category are static-judged. Aircraft fly four scored
flight rounds. After their lowest flight score is deleted,
the average is added to their static points for their
overall score. Seventeen teams competed in this class
in 2018.

3rd//Kim Foster & Scott Foster//BAE Hawk
Powered by a KingTech 210 turbine, this 1/3.5-scale,
112-inch-long jet earned this team 95.917 static points.
Kim built the BAE Hawk from the Tomahawk Aviation kit,
and Scott fl ew it using a Futaba 18MZ to earn 192.
total points.

Top Gun Scale Invitational

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