Model Airplane News – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

1st//Franco DiMauro//F-16
Awarded 95.250 static points, this BVM
jet is powered by an evoJet 220 turbine
engine. Sporting a Greek Demo Team
scheme, the F-16 has a span of 80
inches and is 120 inches long. Franco
used a Spektrum DX20 radio to earn a
total of 193.975 points and win the class.

Now in its fourth year, the Top Gun X class is for almost-
ready-to-fly (ARF) models only, either painted in the mold or
covered from the manufacturer. Builders are encouraged to
add additional paint and markings, but no covering may be
removed or replaced. Scale details like hatches, Pitot tubes,
and ordnance are allowed. All these models are static-judged,
and the average of the three best flight scores (out of four) is
added to the static score. This year, eight pilots competed in
this class.

2nd//Henry Castellanos//F-100 Super Sabre
With a static score of 94.833, Henry’s Fei Bao (Airex)
F-100 has a wingspan of 85 inches and is 110 inches long.
Powered with a KingTech 260, it weighs 54 pounds, and
Henry fl ew it using a Spektrum DX20 radio to earn a total
of 191.458 points.

3rd//Tyler Pandis//
BAE Hawk
Earning a static score of 96.583
points, this Fly Eagle Jet BAE
Hawk (in Red Arrows scheme) is
powered by a Jet Central Cheetah

  1. Th e airplane weighs about
    40 pounds wet. Th irteen-year-
    old Tyler used a Spektrum DX20
    radio and earned a fi nal score of
    189.983 points.

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