Western Art Collector – August 2019

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year or so ago Colorado artist Jay
Moore, a noted landscape painter,
started painting wildlife in his
landscape pieces. This was certainly not a new
development for Western art, but it pushed
Moore into a new exciting direction, one that
was rewarding to him and thrilling for his
“I paint whatever I feel like painting next,
and whatever whim comes to me after that.
I feel like I’m taking little chances that have
had big results. Whether it’s landscapes alone

or landscapes with a smattering of wildlife,
it’s pushed me to decide who I’m going to be
going forward,” Moore says. “No matter what
it is, I’m working harder now more than ever.
The last show was sort of a foray into this idea,
an exploration into that part of the woods.
I remember being out in nature and seeing
these beautiful animals right there in front of
me. As a landscape painter, how do I not put
them in the painting?”
Moore will be showing his new pieces—
many of them with wildlife in supporting roles

to nature’s starring performance—beginning
August 11 at Astoria Fine Art in Jackson Hole,
Wyoming. The images will include breathtaking
views of elk grazing, a moose drinking from a
stream amid a mountainous vista, and a snow-
lined mountain stream that ripples quietly in
the winter light. Tucked into the show is also
a first for the artist—a painting of a human
figure. The image is Stalking Shadows and it
shows Moore’s 21-year-old son fly fishing in a
shallow stream.
“I probably haven’t done a figure since my

At Home


Up to 10 works
August 11-20, 2019
Astoria Fine Art
35 E. Deloney Avenue, Jackson Hole,
WY 83001, (307) 733-4016
http://www.astoria‡ neart.com


At Home Beneath the Sleeping Indian, oil on linen, 40 x 60”
Free download pdf