Western Art Collector – August 2019

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olden eagles are one of the largest
birds in North America with wing
spans of more than 6 feet. Often seen
in pairs, they are found mostly in the western
part of the United States. A golden eagle appears
on the national flag of Mexico.
The impressive birds appear in a large
painting by Swedish artist Lars Jonsson, Spirits

of Magdalena Mountains, (Golden Eagles). The
Magdalenas are in west-central New Mexico.
Jonsson began painting birds at the age of 4 and
his first exhibition was at the age of 15 at the
Natural History Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. 
As an ornithologist he comments, “The
urge to connect in a deeper sense with nature
brings me to long hours of observing and

sketching in the field.” He continues, “I can
feel a strong primitive attraction towards
painting, towards creating a feeling of truth.
Maybe it is faithfulness to nature that I am
seeking. The feeling of clear vision, the order
of things, a ‘this-is-the-way-it-is’ feeling. The
inspiration is nature: it is therein that I look for
an answer.” 

  1. The Sportsman’s Gallery & Paderewski Fine Art, Great Gray Taking Off, oil on linen, 23½ x 47”, by Ewoud de Groot.

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