Western Art Collector – August 2019

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Ewoud de Groot grew up and lives on the
coast of the Netherlands. He began drawing
native birds as a young boy and, for a time,
worked as a graphic designer illustrating
books on nature. In 1999 he turned to painting
full time. De Groot’s paintings are instantly
recognized as his. Accurately rendered birds
often fly directly at the viewer from an abstract

field as in Great Gray Taking Off. 
“What I’m seeking is the mythical qualities
in nature,” he says. “Although I consider myself
a figurative painter, I always try to find that
essential balance and tension between the
more abstract background and the realism of
the subject[s]. In a way you could say that
I am on the frontier between figurative and non-

figurative, or the traditional and the modern.”
Josie Morway takes the mythical qualities
of nature into the surreal in her precisely
rendered depictions of flora and fauna
in complex relationships that echo the
complexity of their interdependence in real
life. Symbiotes I illustrates the complicated
connections as a thrasher and a hawk are

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