Visual Merchandising and Retail Design – July 2019

(John Hannent) #1

Rajendra Raje, Director, Lotus


ffering a diverse range of world-
famous brands like Apple, Samsung,
Sony, LG, Philips, Videocon, Dell,
Lenovo, Panasonic, HP, Nikon, Canon,
Whirlpool, Hitachi all under one roof, Lotus
has achieved remarkable success in its
journey of just 19 years. “We started our
first store in 2000 which was followed by
two more stores in Indore. The first store
from Indore was in 2009 and after that we
ventured to different cities - Bhopal, Ujjain
& Raipur,” says Rajendra Raje, Director, Lotus.

Having established its presence in 7 cities
with 14 stores, Lotus plans to add another
store to its kitty by opening a new outlet
in Bhilai. The store size of the outlets varies
from 8000 sq ft to 15,000 sq ft.

One of the most important aspects behind
the success of Lotus has been its customer
centric approach. “We deliver what
customer wants. We have always believed in
the concept of 4C’s - Comfort, Convenience,
Choice, Care. Later we added two more
C’s in our offerings - Competitiveness,
Commitment,” explains Raje.

Riding high on the ‘6 C’s’ of success

In terms of space and ambience, Lotus
stores are comparatively bigger and
brighter in size than any other electronics
store. The huge space of the showrooms
enables customers to get better visibility
and feel of the products in one place.

In terms of store design and visual
merchandising, Rajendra Raje believes, “It is
important to keep up with the recent trends
of in-store design, new technology and
visual merchandising. We try to provide a
good shopping experience to consumer in

Popularly considered the one-stop-destination for quality electronic products in central India, Lotus, launched
on 5th April, 2000, is driven by the concept of 6C’s- Comfort, Convenience, Choice, Care, Competitiveness and

terms of ambience and quality of interaction
we have. This is where dynamic signages
and store aesthetics play a huge role.”

This is also where the role of VM becomes
important. As Raje points out, electronics
is a segment where the frequency of
consumer purchases is not that high. So
while setting up a shop is easy, sustaining
it is difficult. Hence, there is a need for
professional agencies to partner with
for mutual business gain and growth.
“There are not many experts in visual
merchandising in tier 2 and tier 3 cities. VM
is an ongoing activity and there is a need for
more professional VM agencies in Indore. If
we prosper, the agency we partner with also
grows,” says Raje.

The emergence of E-commerce has also
brought in a few challenges to brick and
mortar retailing of electronics, but the
overall consumer buying has not been
influenced much in this market. Raje sums it
up thus, “Shopping is an experience in itself
that no digital device or online portal can
provide. However, E-commerce has thrown
a challenge in terms of the pricing. But then
end of the day, the customer will look at the
overall package, and not just the price.” l


July 2019
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