58 CHAPTER 3: Building a 3D World^
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, squareVertices); //13
glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, squareColors);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); //14
if(!(counter%100)); //15
NSLog(@"FPS: %d\n",self.framesPerSecond);
You’ll recognize a number of similar elements here from Chapter 1, but in a more
compact form. All OpenGL ES 2 code has been removed for clarity.
Line 1 defines our viewcontroller as a subclass of GLKViewController
In line 2, the API is initialized, with OpenGL ES 1 as the chosen
approach, by passing it the kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES1 flag. The
context is returned and fed to the GLKView.
Lines 3ff bind the context that was fetched in line 2. Then the current
context is set. Without that being set, OpenGL will fail on many calls
coming up.
The drawInRect() method in line 4 is a delegate call from
GLKViewController. All of the geometry and attributes are specified
here for clarity.
Line 5 creates an array of vertices. Because this a 2D demo without
lighting, only two values are needed for each vertex. Line 6 is our color
array, using the standard RGBA format. One color for each of the four
Lines 7f are identical to the first exercise, filling in the background with
a medium gray.
Line 8 sets the current matrix to be a projection matrix, and line 9
initializes it with an ‘‘identity matrix.’’
Lines 10 and 11 do the same for the modelview.
Instead of generating a matrix of our own and modifying it directly, as
in Chapter 1, ES 1 handles those kind of housekeeping chores for us.
So here in line 12, glTranslatef() moves the square along only the Z-
axis (hence the middle value) using a sin function. Using a sin gives it a
nice smooth motion that slows up at either end.