New York Magazine – July 08, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
july 8–21, 2019 | new york 37

52, Australia

Who’d you go on the
tour with? My mother
and two sisters.
We’re on our first-ever
holiday. It’s been good.
Really good. Well,
a few quibbles.

Like what? Three
of us wanted to go see
a Broadway show, and
one of my sisters didn’t.
She just would not
see a Broadway show.
We’ve been traveling
together for almost two
and a half weeks now.
And we’re all staying
in the same hotel room.
The whole time.

Did you have
anything left to talk
about on the boat?
Oh, we actually all
sat in different spots.
I stayed in the back,
one of my sisters was
up in the front,
my mother was on
the inside, and my other
sister took the other
side. I do think we
were the only group not
sitting together.

Photographs by Kyle Dorosz

the look book goes to


Circle Line

On a hot June afternoon,
we talked to dozens of tourists
as they disembarked from
a three-hour sightseeing cruise.
interviews by
katy schneider and
jane drinkard


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