Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



(Sonny, GH)
nWhat’s your dream
car? “I’ve had a
Maserati, and had a
Ford Explorer — and
everything in between.
My dream car is always
the one I’m driving at
the moment.”

nWhat advice would
you give to your
younger self? “ ‘Just
keep looking into the
mirror and keep asking
yourself questions.’ ”

nWhat’s the best
compliment someone
could give you? “That
I’m honest.”

nWhich of your
co-stars cracks you up
the most? “Steve Burton
[Jason], of course —
and Laura Wright
[Carly] can really make
me laugh, too. Both are
funny and have a great
sense of humor. “

nWhat song makes
you get up and dance?
“Any song by James
JIM WARRENBrown, anything at all.”

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