Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

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“I’m sitting here crying
my eyes out after watch-
ing the DAYS episode on
Tuesday, July 9, of Claire’s
farewell,” writes Linda S. in
Devine, TX. “What an amaz-
ing, awesome, incredible
storyline! I am a huge fan of
this show.” Mary D. writes,
“Too bad Ted on DAYS will
come clean to the likes of
Kate. Kate has never done the
right thing. She will just use
the information to help her-
self and still lose in the end.
When will Kate ever learn?
I want the real Nicole back.
This Kristen/Nicole story has
run its course. Kristen is nuts
and needs to go away. Nicole
and Holly need to be together.
Eric needs to get his head
out of the clouds and leave
Sarah alone. He of all people
should know something is
not right with Nicole.” ...
Carol A., Lakewood, CO
wonders, “Is it just me or
does it seem strange to any-
one else that Lola’s mom,
Celeste, on Y&R said how
the whole family would be
very involved in her wedding

to Kyle like they are this big,
involved family. Where, oh,
where was Celeste when
Lola was on her deathbed in
the hospital?” ... “Thomas
on B&B is now a psycho-
path?” asks J. Berry in
Pearland, TX. “He manipu-
lates his grieving child to
get a woman he decided he
could not live without two
minutes after his Caroline
died, then he basically
causes the death of Emma
and leaves her there on the
side of a road and lies about
his part in all of it? And God

bless Hope — she must be
the most clueless person on
the planet and the most gull-
ible. Why not take more time
with the relationship of Hope
and Thomas? There are so
many layers that could be
explored if that was allowed
to happen.”

“Bringing the former stars
back to Y&R was and is a
bull’s-eye, especially Kevin
Fisher. I’m here LOL’ing
right now! Y&R, you are back
and I’m loving every minute
of it! Can’t wait to see what
happens next! Even more
eager than ever to get your
magazine in my mailbox.”
— Jonathan T., via email

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