Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

ily back until she severs
her ties to him.

Michael offers to work
for Adam — provided he
fires Kevin. Adam agrees
and makes Michael resign as
Nick’s attorney on the day
of the custody hearing. Nick
and Lauren are both suspi-
cious of Michael’s excuse
about needing to recuse
himself due to a conflict of
interest. Michael gets agi-
tated when Lauren confronts
him. When the hearing
gets underway, with Nick
representing himself, Adam
forces Michael to leak the
video of Nick impersonating
J.T., which makes Nick look
bad in court. An increasingly
desperate Kevin opines to
Michael that they need to
take Adam out.

Chelsea and Sharon
trade accusations about how
the other is to blame for
Adam’s return to the dark
side. Chelsea begs Sharon
to help Adam see the light.

After a bitter
day in court, Adam
tells Nick that he
will drop the cus-
tody suit if Chelsea
will agree to come
back to him. She
flatly refuses, and
he tries to conceal
his hurt. They are
summoned back
to the courthouse,
where both men
are floored when
the judge rules
that neither of
them is fit to par-



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ent Christian. Following
the judge’s orders to pro-
pose a temporary guardian,
Nick names Victoria, and
Adam enlists Sharon.
The judge picks Victoria,
with supervised visitation
for both Nick and Adam.
Despite this, Victoria re-
solves to keep Adam away
from Christian. Sharon
gets an apoplectic Adam
to confide in her about the
deep pain at the root of his
aggressive behavior.

Billy has disturbing
dreams about Delia leaving
messages for him in the
Chancellor mansion. He is
rattled when he finds her
writing around the house
and seeks comfort from
Sharon, who recommends
therapy. Billy asks her
to counsel him instead.
Though careful to set
appropriate expectations,
Sharon agrees. w

Why was Nick so confident that he would best
Adam (Mark Grossman, l.) in court? Joshua Morrow

“Nick believed that all he needed to do was state
the obvious, which is, he’s been a great father to
Christian and provided this little boy with a loving
home. Nick sometimes has an inflated perception
of his skills.”


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