Baby Weight
With These
nce you are done
with the joyful
phase of carrying
and delivering
the baby, getting back to
shape is the next goal for
every woman. During this
phase, a balanced diet and
regular exercise is important
for weight loss.
Besides this, exercise also
reduces postpartum
depression and induces a
feeling of happiness. Shedding
the extra kilos, which you had
gained during the pregnancy
period can be a struggle for
some women. Here are 8
moves that will help you lose
- Walking
This the easiest and most basic
form of exercise.
How It Is Done:
£Start with a gentle walk or
stroll and then gradually
increase the speed of your walk.
£Slowly move to brisk walk
and walk for minimum 20
minutes. Try walking for at least
5 days a week.
£Bringing the baby along in
the front pack or baby sling bag
will add extra weight, which can
further enhance the benefits.
- Deep Breathing
Deep breathing involves the
abdominal muscles and
strengthens and tones them.
How Is It Done:
£Sit upright with your back
straight and fold your legs. Take
a deep breath, draw in the air
from the diaphragm upwards.
£Hold your abdominal
muscles tight while inhaling and
relax your muscles when you
£Gradually increase the time
you can hold your muscles.