Poker X 1st test ebook

(itemelite) #1

The check-raise

Check raising is checking to your opponent, with the intention of luring them to bet, so
that you can raise them back. Your intention is to lure them into a false sense of security
so that you can raise them and increase the pot (remember, after one bet is committed,
its more likely they'll commit to two).

The opener

This reckless move is often done by people who blu. It is when the person rst to act
raises, making all other players call two bets at once. Its intention is to limit the number
of players. Basically, this move amounts to a backwards steal-raise. The eect will almost
certainly cause many players to fold, but the ones remaining will either be equally
aggressive or truly have a great hand. This is also known as betting for information. This
tactic is best used with few players in on the hand.


Squeezing is a tactic only used in a short-handed game. It's betting when you have a good
hand currently, and you suspect another player or players may be on a draw. For
example, you have top pair with the best kicker. Chances are they won't make their draw
(be it a straight or a ush draw, etc). Your goal is to limit their pot odds.

The above examples are really just examples of bets. If you are playing no limit or pot
limit hold em, the whole thinking behind betting becomes radically dierent.

When you're dealt Aces, Kings, or AK suited, you can and should raise and even re-raise
before the op, no matter your position. A pair of queens or jacks you have to be a bit
more careful with, but the chances are still huge that you are top hand before the op.
Raise and drive out the draw hands, if there are no raises in front of you.

With strong cards (paint suited), look to raise in middle or late position, only if no one has
raised before you. If you raise in middle position and someone in late position re-raises,
be careful. If they're a strong player they probably have you beat in card strength unless
they’re blung to try and take the blinds and antes.

While blung might be a good tactic for some players, it’s not always the way to go. Hard
and fast strategies will help you to win in the long run.

Chapter 10 - Strategies

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"Know how to win before you sit down. Experience may be the best teacher, but it’s also
the most expensive." Online Poker Winning Strategies Revealed


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