The World of Cross Stitching - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1 The World of Cross Stitching 67

Explore a world of cross stitching without leaving the house –

we’ve found the websites, communities and charts you’ll love!

Online news

Find us online

Websites you’ll love

Discover your next craft project online at http://www., the brand-new website for
makers. Whether you’re into stitching, crochet,
knitting, sewing, quilting or papercraft, here
you’ll find 1,000s of easy-to-follow patterns
and tutorials, plus plenty of expert tips.

Next time you log on, check out these amazing stitchy sites

The team behind French Needle appreciate the
beauty of artisanal needlecraft and wanted to
share this with the world. They have scoured
France in search of the finest, most beautiful
handmade items for you to enjoy. Visit http://www. to view their collection.

Share your stitches

Enjoy a round-up of our fave makes from across our social community

Blogger of the month


ary Corbet believes that the
world needs beauty, and that
embroidery is one of the most beautiful
visual arts of all. After many years in the
academic world, Mary took the plunge
and devoted herself full time to Needle
‘n Thread, a great resource for hand
embroidery. Here you’ll find how-to
videos, tips and techniques, lessons,
free patterns, embroidery book reviews,
plus her very own shop.
MORE Visit


ans of blackwork, 2020 is your
year! Peppermint Purple has been
releasing a new section of her free 52-
week blackwork Stitch-A-Long every
Wednesday, and will continue doing so
until the end of the year. To take part
in ‘A Year of Blackwork’ visit http://www.
Don’t worry if you join late, the current
chart will contain the previous sections.
other free
cross stitch
patterns on
our website
at http://www.

Free download

“First day back at work done. Now making up the
coverkit from this month’s WOXS mag. I’m really
enjoying it.” @smartcookiesam via Twitter

“Cross stitching with my kitty helper. She loves to
curl up in my lap! Almost done with ‘The Meadow’
by Wrendale.” ramblingkitty via Instagram

“And it’s a finish! Only a tiny one, but it’s a finish!
So, I’ll take that (and start something new).”
purlsandponderings via Instagram

“Made the Design Library motif from issue 241 (May
2016) of your mag into a coaster for myself. I hope
that you like it!” Jade Lawley via Facebook
Free download pdf