Artists Magazine - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1 19



You’ll be creating an L-shape with two pieces of wood.
First, paint a thin strip of wood glue onto the joining parts
of the wood pieces.


Using a clamp to maintain stability, create an L-shaped
joint. Make sure that the edges of the two wood pieces
are even to one another. Let this dry overnight.


Using a utility knife, cut one of the wine-bottle corks
lengthwise so that each half is semicircular in profile. Cut
the second cork into a prism-like form so that two of its three
sides form a right angle.


Once the L-shaped form is dry, remove the clamps.
Using wood glue, affix the two cork pieces into place
and use additional clamps to keep them stable. Let the glue
dry thoroughly.


Remove the clamps
from the cork pieces,
and your mahlstick is
ready to use. Hook the
short end of your
mahlstick over the top
edge of your canvas so
that the corks secure it in
place while holding the
wood away from the
painting surface. This
prevents smudging and
scratching when
repositioning the tool.

· ⅜x1½-inch strip of wood
cut into two lengths: 5
inches and 36 inches
· wood glue
· two wine-bottle corks
· utility knife
· four clamps
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