Logic Pro X
Piano Roll
ogic’s Piano Roll Editor is like a MIDI
operating theatre, where you can surgically
delveintoyourMIDI regions and tweak
themendlesslyusinga vast number of tools and
techniques.Chop,trim, lengthen, copy and paste,
movearound,transpose up and down, increase
anddecreasevelocity– pretty much anything is
possiblein thiswindow.
Key to working efficiently in the piano roll is
knowing how to get to your most-used commands
and functions quickly. There are tons of hidden
keyboard shortcuts and features that can really
enhance your workflow and make your editing
sessions fly much quicker, so to this end we’ve put
together just a few of the less obvious tips to help
take your editing skills to the next level.
Enhance your editing workflow with
these nifty Piano Roll shortcuts
Roll with it
Turbo-chargeyourMIDIediting withsome shortcuts
Knowing the Piano Roll Editor shortcuts can really boost your productivity
Takea shortcut
keyboardshortcuts– theycanbeassignedto
aretotallycustomisable.Justgoto Logic>Key
Commands>Editto finda completelist.It’sa long
list,sotypethenameof a functionin thesearchbox
in thecornerto findoredititsallocatedcommand.
Knowledge base
Apple, Inc
Take note
You can display the names of the note
pitches (and their velocities) within each
note – just like in Ableton Live – by selecting
View>Note Labels from the local inspector.
Background check
You can choose between dark (default) or
light background for the Piano Roll Editor. Just
head to Logic>Preferences>Display>Editors
and tick the Bright Background box.
ResizethePiano Roll window by
draggingupwards on its upper
boundary,justabove the Piano Roll tab.
Alternatively,you can open the Piano
Rollasa floating window (Cmd+4) and
resizethisaslarge as you like.
At your command
Click this button to select a second
tool that will appear at the cursor
position whenever you hold down the
Command key.