If a video is saved, it replaces the
original,but does not overwrite it, you
justcannot see it. Return to the video
editorand press the Revert button in
thebottom-right corner to revert to the
original clip. When saving, it is better to
save the edited version as a new clip
rather than replacing the original one.
Knowledge base
Trim, crop, rotate iPhone videos
hooting videos that are absolutely perfect can be
hard– theyoftenrequiresomevideoeditingtomake
videoeditingapp,iMovieoroneof themanyvideoeditorsin
iOS 13 youcannowperformmanyof thebasicvideoediting
tasksin thePhotosapp.
Youcantrimthestartandendpointsof a video,andvideos
canbecropped,eitherfreeformortofit specificaspectratios,
Let’stakea lookat someof theseeditingtools.
Forget expensive specialist video editor apps, use Photos
in iOS 13 to edit videos shot on the iPhone
In iOS 13 you can now trim the start and end points for a
video straight from the Photos app...
Edit videos in Photos
Use all the video editing tools
Rotate and mirror
Use the icon on the left to
flip a video and switch left to
right. It is useful if you have
shot a video in a mirror. Use
the second icon to rotate the
video 90 degrees.
Crop the video
Tap this icon to crop the
video. Use the Freeform
option to crop it however
you want, or select one of
the predefined aspect ratios
like 16:9, 4:3 and other
common ones.
Video editing tools
This icon provides access to
the video editing tools. They
enable you to crop and rotate
a video, change the aspect
ratio, and to trim the start and
end points of the clip.
Correction tools
The first of the three icons
here enable you to rotate
the video by an arbitrary
angle to correct it if it is not
level. The other two icons
correct horizontal and vertical
distortion effects.