22 Your Dog March 2020
s a vet
s life!
feel like I’ve seen a lot of coughing dogs over the
past month, but it may be that I’m just more aware of
the cases, after attending a great evening talk given
by a local referral hospital.
Kennel cough, also called canine infectious
tracheobronchitis, is the most common reason why
dogs come to the clinic with a cough.
We always ask owners to keep coughing dogs outside
until their appointment,
as kennel cough is
very contagious. It can
have a number of causes,
including parainluenza
virus, adenovirus, distemper,
and Bordetella bacteria. Dogs
may also get secondary
bacterial infections after
an initial viral attack.
In most cases, kennel cough
is self-limiting, with dogs getting
better in 7 – 14 days. Despite the name, it can be
caught anywhere that dogs interact, so we recommend
vaccination for adult dogs who go to dog walkers,
home boarders, doggy day-care, training classes,
competitions, and groomers, as well as kennels.
Ted, a lufy, 10-week-old German Shepherd puppy
came in for his second vaccination. After a chat about
how Ted was settling in, and a check over, I gave the
vaccine against distemper, hepatitis, and parvovirus.
Next came the kennel cough vaccination. I explained
to Ted’s owner that we include this in our puppy
course because puppies are at high risk of contracting
kennel cough, and although it is not usually
dangerous, it can signiicantly interfere with their
training and socialisation.
Ted was very brave during the vaccination, which is
given as a drop into the nostril, and he was rewarded
with a dried sprat (our clinic treat of choice).
I saw Bobby, a four-year-old Poodle, later that week
for a cough. As always, I started my clinical examination
Holistic vet Vicky Payne
BVetMed MRCVS is
based in East Sussex,
and qualiied from the
Royal Veterinary
College in 2001.
She uses a range
of complementary
therapies alongside
conventional medicine
and surgery.
Get it off
your chest!
Canine coughs are often more complex
than they seem, as Vicky Payne explains.
Coughing can have
many causes.
It is recommended that dogs who
come into close contact with others
have the kennel cough vaccination.