Computer Shopper - UK (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1


folders. Yo ushould also move any other files
and folders thatyou want to synchronise into
the Google Drive folder.
Once done, your existing files will be
uploaded to the cloud, which can takequite
awhile dependingonthe speed of your
internet connection. Once the files have
backed up,you can repeat the instructions
above on your new computer,which will
download everything thatyou select to your
new Google Drive folder.
Now,every time you makeachange to a
file on one computer,it’sreflected on all

computers thatare running Google Backup
and Sync. This can be useful as away to run
two computers for abit,particularly if you’re
sorting out what to do with old applications
thatwon’t run on your new computer.
Yo u’ll need to repeat these instructions
for all user accounts, remembering thatyou
need adifferent Google Drive to log in for
each person you have.


If you don’t want to use afile service, you can
copy files over your home network. Yo ucan


Rememberemail and other data

Some applications requirespecific data files to work.For
example,if you use Outlook as your email client,your data
will be stored in a.pst file located on your computer.
Adobe Lightroom Classic keeps its pictureinformation in a
catalogue file (.lrcat).
When moving to anew computer,it’snot just enough to
move your personal files,but also your data files,too.Most
companies will give advice on how to move data files to
another location or computer,but herewe’ll give you an
example of whattodowith Outlook.
First,you need to find your .pst file.You’ll only have one of
these if you have aregular email account that’snot stored in
accounts,all of your emails aresafely in thecloud and you can
just connect your new computer’s Outlook to theservice.
Assuming you’ve got an offline email account,you need
to find your .pst file.Depending on the version of Windows
you have and if you have Outlook 2013 or later,thereare
three possible options:
•c::\Documents andSettings\<username>\Local Settings\
Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.
ForOutlook 2010,startOutlook,click the File tab in the
Ribbon,selectAccount Settings and thenAccount Settings.
Click DataFiles,then note the full path and filename of your .pst
file.ForOutlook 2007,startthe softwareand then clickTools,

Options.Select the Mail Setup tab and click Data Files,then note
down the full path of your .pst file.
Copy the .pst file thatyou find to your new computer,then start
Outlook.Select File,Importand then select Importfromanother
program or file.Browse to the .pst file and click Next,and then click
Finish to importyour data.
Remember to do this for all users on your computer.It’sworth
keeping hold of your old computer for afew weekstomakesure
you’ve made acopy of all the program data you’ll need.

ABOVE:Don’t let important emails getlost in themove to anew computer

ABOVE:Youcan move systemfolders in
Windows 10 easily ABOVE:Youcan turn offpasswordnetwork sharing to makefile transferseasier

use password-protected sharing or you can
turn this offsothatyou don’t needtoprovide
passwords. To do this, go to the Control Panel
(in Windows 7, 8or10), select Network and
Internet (Network and SharingCenter in
Windows 7), and click Advanced Sharing
Settings. Expand the All Networkssettings,
select Tu rn offpasswordprotected sharing,
and click Save Changes.
It’s worth sharing yourdocument folders
and any other folder thatcontainsimportant
files. Sharing afolder in Windows is very easy.
All you have to do is findthe folder you want
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