Black-winged kite, Black-shouldered Kite
Binomial Name: Elanus caeruleus
The Black-winged kite is an uncommon resident bird of Bangladesh. Once found all overthe country, it has now become rare. The Black-winged Kite roams the isolated grasslands,
lowlands, and small thickets of village arable land, usually singly or in pairs. It sits on treesor poles or flies in search of food. It eats prey with strong, long finger claws. Insects, frogs,
snakes, lizards, rats, mice, chicks, and sick birds are their food. Their breeding season isall year round. Eggs are laid in messy nests made of leaves, roots, and grass on the
branches of medium-sized or large trees.
KvUzqv wPj, mvv wPj, ajv wPj KvUzqv wPj evsjv‡
‡ki yj©f AvevwmK cvwL| GKmgq mviv‡
‡kB †Lv †hZ| KvUzqv wPj bvg QvovI evsjv‡
‡ki gvbyl cvwLwU‡K bvbv bv‡g †P‡b| †hgb- Kv‡jv Wvbvi wPj, mvv wPj, Av
wPj, †g‡Vv wPj, U ̈vcv wPj BZ ̈vw| KvUzqv wPj MÖv‡gi Avevw
Rwgi wew”Qbœ Z...Yf~wg,
wbPz f~wg, †QvU †QvU †Svu‡c mPivPi GKv ev †Rvovq wePiY K‡i| MvQ ev LyuwUi
Dc‡i e‡m wKsev D‡o D‡o Lvevi †Lvu‡R| AvOz‡ji k³ j¤^v bLi w‡q wkKvi a‡i Lvq| †cvKvgvKW, KxUcZ½, e ̈vO, mvc, wUKwUwK, Bu
gywlK, cvwLi Qvbv I Amy ̄’ ̈ cvwL G‡i Lvevi| mviveQiB G‡
i cÖ RbbKvj|
gvSvwi ev eo Mv‡Qi Wv‡j cvZv, g~j I Nvm wewQ‡q A‡MvQv‡jv evmv
evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 183
Photo © Foridi Numan