Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Red-necked Falcon
Binomial Name: Falco chicquera
The Red-necked Falcon is a rare resident bird of prey in Bangladesh. Sunrise and duskare the best times for their hunting. It is commonly found in pairs near mangrove forests,
deciduous forests, farmlands, orchards, wastelands, or localities, but it also wanders aloneor in small groups. It searches for prey by sitting on tree trunks or power lines. Often, two
birds of a pair hunt together. Their food list includes small birds like sparrows, pipits,wagtails, plovers, and skylarks; they occasionally eat mice and bats. During the breeding
season from January to March, they lay their eggs in nests made of twigs, leaves, and
grassroots on trees.

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(^184) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Saiful Alam

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