Great Cormorant
Binomial Name: Phalacrocorax carbo
The Great Cormorant is an uncommon migratory waterbird of Bangladesh. There are 36species of cormorant in the world, 11 in Asia and three species in Bangladesh. The largest
among them is the Great Cormorant. They roam alone or in small flocks in most of thestreams and rivers of Bangladesh. Sometimes they go hunting with a buck or other
waterfowl. Their main food is fish; They eat fish by swimming or diving in the water. Sitting
on a high mound or pole to dry wet feathers while holding wings and tail. During thebreeding season from September to February, they lay their eggs in large loft-like nests
made of twigs and aquatic plants in partially submerged trees.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 191
Photo © Foridi Numan