Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Little Cormorant
Binomial Name: Phalacrocorax niger
The Little Cormorant is a common resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. They also spreadglobally in the Indian subcontinent, in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Afghanistan. Almost
all types of extensive marsh, swampland, rivers, ponds, swamps, estuaries, coasts ormangrove forests across the country usually roam alone, in pairs or in small groups. They
catch prey by swimming or diving. Food items include fish, frogs, or shrimp. The breedingperiod is from May to July. During this time, they make nests by colonizing large trees near
†QvU cvb‡KŠwo
†QvU cvb‡KŠwo evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK RjPi cvwL| fviZ Dcgnv‡kmn Pxb, gvj‡qwkqv,
B‡›v‡bwkqv, AvdMvwb ̄Ív‡bI G‡i ˆewk¦K we ̄Í...wZ
Av‡Q| †QvU cvb‡KŠwo QvovI Av‡iv wKQy bvg cÖPwjZ
Av‡Q G‡i, †hgbÑ cvwbKvevwW, cvwbKvDi, cvwbKvDqv, cvwbKz°zU BZ ̈vw| mviv‡‡ki cÖvq meai‡Yi nvIi, wej, bx, cyKzi, Rjvf~wg, †gvnbv,
DcK~j wKsev g ̈vb‡MÖvf e‡b mvaviYZ GKv, †Rvovq
wKsev †QvU ‡j wePiY K‡i| mvuZvi †K‡U wKsev Wze w‡q Giv wkKvi a‡i| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q gvQ,
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RyjvB gvm| Gmg‡q Giv cvwbi KvQvKvwQ
eo Mv‡Q K‡jvwb K‡i evmv ˆZwi K‡i|

Photo © Foridi Numan

(^192) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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