Cotton Pygmy-goose, Cotton Teal
Binomial Name: Nettapus coromandelianus
This small duck, short-lipped, is an uncommon resident bird of Bangladesh. In addition tohumans, hawks, rats, wildcats, and kites are the main enemies of this smallest species of wild
ducks. The Cotton pygmy-goose roams in aquatic vegetation lakes, large ponds, shallowlagoons, extensive marsh, and waterlogged paddy fields. They have usually seen in small flocks
of 5 to 15 ducks. They collect food from the wetlands where they live. Favorite foods includeplant stems, seeds, shrimp, crabs, insects, and larvae. It nests in the hollows of familiar trees
or the gaps of buildings—the eggs are laid in the breeding season from June to September,and the chicks hatch.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 45
Photo © Foridi Numan