Ferruginous Pochard, White- eyed Pochard
Binomial Name: Aythya nyroca
A medium-sized diver duck is among the world's near-threatened species and acommon migratory bird in Bangladesh. The Ferruginous Pochard roams marshlands,
rivers, ponds, reservoirs, and lagoons. They live in large groups in their winter habitatand are seen in mixed groups of different species of ducks. They eat aquatic plants,
algae, insects, and small fish by swimming, dipping their heads, and diving.
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fzwZnuvm nvIi, wej, b`x, †Wvev, Rjvavi I †j ̧‡b wePiY K‡i| kx‡Zi Avev‡m eo eo
`‡j _v‡K Ges bvbv Rv‡Zi nvu‡mi wgkÖ `‡j †`Lv hvq| Giv mvuZvi †K‡U, gv_v Wzwe‡q I
Wze w`‡q RjR Dw™¢`, ˆkevj, †cvKvgvKo I †QvU gvQ BZ ̈vw` Lvq|
(^46) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan