Collared Kingfisher
Binomial Name: Todiramphus chloris
The Collared Kingfisher is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. Considered not-threatened anywhere in the world, including Bangladesh. They roam in tidal wetlands, wet
creeks, mangrove swamps, forest edges, and gardens. They live in seclusion, alone and inpairs. Sitting on a low branch, he observes the prey in the mud, and when he sees it, he
grabs the prey. In addition to fish, crabs, lizards, and insects are on the food list. April toMay is the time of hatching. At this time, they lay their eggs in rotten stems of trees, nests
of nests, or earthen pits.
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M‡Z© wWg cv‡o|
(^82) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan resident