Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1
Blue-tailed Bee-eater
Binomial Name: Merops philippinus
The Blue-tailed Bee-eater is a commonresident bird of Bangladesh. They roam in pairs
or small groups in the sandy areas or in theaquatic forests of all the country's divisions. It
flies over little water or snatches insects fromhigh places. The food consists mainly of
grasshoppers, wasps, and bees. Occasionally,
they eat beetles, moths, beetles, or even blueflies. Very aware of cleanliness. It is often seen
bathing in the river water with a light dip. Theirhatching season is from March to June. They
lay their eggs in tunnels on steep river banks,
sandy hills, or flat sandy colonies for breeding.
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cvwL| †`‡ki me wefv‡Mi b`xcv‡oi evjygq
GjvKv wKsev RjeZ©x e‡b mvaviYZ †Rvovq ev
†QvU `‡j wePiY K‡i| cvwbi mvgvb ̈ Ici w`‡q
D‡o wKsev DuPz hvqMv †_‡K DošÍ †cvKvgvKo †Quv
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cÖvqB b`xi cvwb‡Z nvjKv Wze w`‡q †Mvmj Ki‡Z
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cvnvo ev mgZj evwjZx‡ii K‡jvbx‡Z myo½ K‡i
evmv evbvq I wWg cv‡o|

(^86) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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