International Artist – August-September 2019

(Barré) #1

My Art in the Making Crib Goch
Oil Colours
» Titanium white
» Warm white
» Yellow ochre
» Cadmium yellow
» Vermillion
» Alizarin crimson
» Burnt sienna
» Raw umber
» Cerulean blue
» Ultramarine blue
» Prussian blue
» Winsor violet
» Golden fl at, 1 and 2 inches
» Ivory long fl ats,
Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7
» Ivory fi lberts, Nos. 4, 7 and 9
» Selection of Palette Knives
Additional Supplies
» Non Absorbent Acrylic Primer
» Clear Oil Painting Medium
» Brush cleaner
» Stretched canvas 91 x 122 cm
» Large Perspex clear palette
Extra materials & tools for
painting in the mountains
» Pochade box
» Canvas boards (10 x 12")
» Brush washer
» Rags & tissue
» Tripod
» Guy ropes & pegs
» Camera
» Full winter mountaineering kit
including ice axe & crampons
» Flask of hot tea
Outside I spent time with my subject painting the colours, textures and
tonal values of the landscape whilst trying to capture the some of the
winter light, and the essence of the moment.
Outside I spent time with my subject painting the colours, textures and

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